Mir Moiz’s Weblog

Life is meaningful, only when one wishes to make it. We are creatures of time and we’ll wither away in it. The little moments of joy we find and create are all that will live with us.

Archive for Elon Musk

Mind Machine Meld

The time when computers will be interfaced with our brains is very close at hand.
This would mean that all the physical limitations of movement speed limitations, gravity, vector forces on objects that prevent a lot of things due to the human frailty can be done away with.

For the military, imagine an airplane that can fly and react dynamically at unbelievable speeds because its being controlled by a mind and not hands, or a computer interface where research is being conducted at thought speeds by a person using such an interface to browse the web.

The implications are huge – for good and as always for evil.



Elon & Ai – The Big Picture

Observe how he does not flinch or fear while putting his credibility on the line for a good – that is bigger and more important than his many many billions!!!


The Shape of things to Come… Sooon Sooon

Massive disruption is on its way guys. Serious.
Next 10 years… Mannn


World Government Summit 2017 – Elon Musk in Dubai

I appreciate some of the subjective and philosophical questions that Mr. Mohammad Al Gergawi asked Elon Musk, yet I feel he stressed too much on questioning – the merits of why he does what he does!

At the end of the day, he is one another Human whom God has placed on this earth to serve a purpose.
We all know, God can use and mobilize anyone anywhere with any belief system.

Muslims have a history that is worth appreciating where innovation was at the core.
God stipulated in all books that Man must look deeply at the things created by God and to contemplate.

Yet today most Muslims, seem to think – Life is not worth the investigation and insight that we all must do.
They rather focus on the basic needs for life itself only, work and home.

I believe we are loosing a very significant part of our heritage. Insight is what, we all must re-awaken.

Video Link


Elon Musk

I simply adore this guy 🙂
Exceptional role model for innovators.

How Elon Musk Started


Never Give Up :)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year 2017

This is a gift for all those who seek to be innovators and value makers for the coming new year.

I meet this man ‘incidentally’ in Zanzibar at the eve of 2012 new year.
I did not know who he was then!
Yet… the mere fact that it happened kept me curious ever since.

What he says below is PRICELESS…
Learn while putting your ‘ego’ away  🙂

Video Link


The 10 Check – I call it :)

I incidentally and very briefly meet Elon on a beach in Zanzibar, Tanzania at new year’s eve 2012 at a time when just a few people knew who he was!

The 10 points he makes now, really hit hard on the real deal in entrepreneurial life. The only other thing for Pakistan I’ll add is ‘manage perceptions’ for TRUST.

There is so much of mistrust in Pakistan that real signals and real deals get lost in the noise of people’s doubts and fictional concerns.

VALUE is my brand and it’s a product of validated authenticity not just the outer shine and glitter of a Mercedes Benz. The way Elon created VALUE. It really takes one to beak their knuckles doing that.

Enjoy a real innovators insight on what is real and what is not.

Video Link


Elon Musk

When people view successful people, most often they consider that their success is attributed to some exceptional back or support system. That there must be someone behind them to propel the success of those who do find it and find it good.
This guy proves it wrong.
Being born in humble beginnings does prepare those with brains and vision, both. To persist and find a realization of their dreams, and for everyone of those with vision, success means and stands for different things; you just have to know, what exactly you are looking for!

I meet this guy in Zanzibar on the eve of 2012 New Year. He does not know me and I did not know him either. A chance meeting, probably even he does not remember for what I come to know of him now. We exchanged a strong handshake at the reception desk of the Kendwa Rocks Beach resort and I offered to help in the matter he faced at the desk, to which he thanked and appreciated.
A year and a half later I come to know who he was.

This is a great video to watch for those who aspire to grow as business people. Who feel their vision will one day see the light of day and who feel, critics are not the yard stick to measure our successes or failures by…

Cheers to all those of my dearest friends. Enjoy.

Vimeo Video: http://vimeo.com/38542529