Mir Moiz’s Weblog

Life is meaningful, only when one wishes to make it. We are creatures of time and we’ll wither away in it. The little moments of joy we find and create are all that will live with us.

Archive for September, 2015

Googoosh: Mano Gonjishka

Googoosh: Mano Gonjishka



The Key Risk “Inherent” in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has come a long way in how technology is now defining the central pillar of life on earth… Money.

While its technology is strong and the peer-to-peer model is stronger still.

“In my view” there is an inherent risk embedded within Bitcoin itself. This is the risk that the notion of mining of coins is dependent on a computational work which apparently CPU/GPUs perform and due to the complexity of math involved, is difficult, thus the creation of coins is controlled.

I feel this is an inaccurate and incomplete understanding. Here is why!

In the next 5 to 10 years super computing will transform in an unprecedented way.
Quantum Computing will make this challenge of mining coins a thing of the past, and the entity that mines the highest quantity of coins will dominate.
In my view, the technology of Quantum Computing will not be made public. It will be in the hands of very few still.

This is the exact statement of the inventor:
… “The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to
attack the network, they’ll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers.”

Quantum Computing can work at a pace unprecedented in human history. It can work on a single task at multiple even infinite levels all at the same time to exponentially grow within a few seconds and evaluate the most complex problem.

Quantum Computing for the geeks: Wikipedia Article

Already matured and existing Quantum Computer: DWave

The control of Bitcoin will be in the hands of the authority that controls the highest computing power in the coming days and that means Quantum Computer owners will have that power.

NOTE: I am extrapolating the facts as I see them architecturally. I am not an expert in the technology.


Peak INSIDE … Human

Absolutely brilliant orchestration.



Video Link


How can you see the solar system? This is how!

These guys show us what the REAL reality check looks like 🙂

Watch: To Scale: The Solar System from Wylie Overstreet


Tim Cook & Company !

Snapshot from www.apple.com

Self gratification or pure Innovation of self ?

Increasingly it seems to me that Apple is facing a change that may not be so welcome.
While Steve Jobs had an aura of his own as the pinnacle of innovation-culture at Apple.
It now seems that Apple is transforming into Tim Cook & Company.

Of course this is my personal opinion and if I have freedom of speech, which I do. I may say that frankly, I see a lot of insecurity in Tim Cook for doing this!

People are people, the spot Tim holds is a very hot seat. It is a very difficult position to be in because it is the spot of Jobs’ legacy. He was a Legend. Mr. Tim – You are not. It is that simple.

People at Apple and outside have a natural appreciation for Steven and his works, that can not be written over when you market Apple with your personality and choices. It is counter productive.
After Steve, the culture of innovation MUST be KEPT INTACT with ALL ITS NUANCES INTACT preserved, as they were. Not CHANGED. Change in this respect will create imbalances in the very eco-system Steve Jobs created.

Please understand this – Apple is Apple – Because of Steve Jobs and now after him, because of the PEOPLE HE CHOOSE to work together, AS AN ECO SYSTEM.