Mir Moiz’s Weblog

Life is meaningful, only when one wishes to make it. We are creatures of time and we’ll wither away in it. The little moments of joy we find and create are all that will live with us.

Archive for Cognitive Computing

Super Cognition, Super Human


It seems a new turn of events is about to happen. The new era to unfold for mankind, yet again, is called ‘Cognitive Computing’.

Soon IBM, the world’s largest maker of super computers is unfolding the power of its super computers in a product that’s been dubbed ‘Watson’. A cloud based cognitive computing platform that will enable instant big data processing for high cognitive outputs for general professionals.

Video Intro on Watson

Video on how Watson Works

This basically means that in layman’s terms people will now be empowered with super computer cognition to deliver their objectives. Their thoughts and projects will be supported with super cognition borrowed from IBM computers over a cloud-based provisioning model.

A whole new world can be conceived with this potential. Good or bad, perhaps only time will tell, best.


Start of Cognitive Computing

Cognitive computing aims to mimic the functions of the brain for computer applications.

This is one of the strongest move in that direction by IBM. A chip that can function like a brain and think.