Mir Moiz’s Weblog

Life is meaningful, only when one wishes to make it. We are creatures of time and we’ll wither away in it. The little moments of joy we find and create are all that will live with us.

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Please take note @ImranKhanPTI @fawadchaudhry @PTIofficial

How to embrace change, accepting as the inevitable and positioning yourself in the future, in-as-best a line as possible with your tradition.

They are addressing the need for labor for their people in a way that is unprecedented and an un-deniable reality. They understand that they do not have any control over the inevitable nature of the future that is coming and choosing to overcome it rather than sit and wait for it to overshadow them.

In Pakistan we can use the same model in a properly regulated way to mobilise our hands too. We can harness the model from Shenzhen or partner with providers there to graduate our working class in skills, with what they are doing and pace up.

Labor cost is the keystone for the future economic development. We can use this advantage too. We just need a procedure (SOP) and we can do it.

Please take note @ImranKhanPTI @fawadchaudhry @PTIofficial



Time & Consciousness

Two of the most profound concepts in our life.
True for each one of us!




Twin Peaks

A very unique view on the state of our world.

Video Link