Mir Moiz’s Weblog

Life is meaningful, only when one wishes to make it. We are creatures of time and we’ll wither away in it. The little moments of joy we find and create are all that will live with us.

Archive for Capitalism

Twin Peaks

A very unique view on the state of our world.

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Innovators and Manipulators

If we agree to the fact that the present day challenges lay between the two scales of ‘Innovation’ and ‘Manipulation’ then it should be understood, what defines the competition between them and within each itself.

While capitalism is not about this distinction for it simply focuses on the capacity to capitalize on any given market opportunity.
The world that we face today is more so about manipulation than innovation.
The reason is simple, not everyone can innovate!

In the earliest parts of the industrial revolution some 200 years ago. Innovation feed into the engines of capitalism. Ideas where plenty and every conceivable aspect of life from living it to making it better was being innovated.
That trend continued on into the beginning of 1900. From then on the muscle of massive innovation weakened and manipulation started to manifest which twisted a few ideas and technologies to bring out something new and especially, the field of information technology feed this beast very well. It allowed for a lot of things to become convenient far more than it was ever before and so true innovation got replaced by part-innovation. From that time to the point where the IT bubble bursted and markets consolidated to find equilibrium with reality… Very many things gained stagnation and innovation became a prized possession.
This is also the time when the spotlight, on the need to innovate, increased signifying that there was a visible lack of it!

While all this brought the world from A to Z in a jiffy. It also provided, manipulators with the opportunity they were always seeking.
While innovators have always been far and few in the history of the world. There certainly has never been a shortage of manipulators, in every industry and in every field.

We now live in a time where increasingly innovation is being focused upon because, the continuation of innovation and original thinking is beginning to fall in a worrisome state for the next coming 100 years.

More people in the world does not mean more ideas and new developments. It means more of both… Innovators and Manipulators, with less of the first who are the real problem solvers.

What needs to be seen is how far will the world ride off, of this dissipating wave of past innovations, before it faces a stone wall.
After all every writer experiences a writers block.

We can’t expect more people to mean more innovation because innovation requires not cunning, but in-visioning. In many ways, that is not an education – it’s a gift.


The Extra Bit (A world of ‘isms’)

Socialism, Capitalism and now Consumerism. All these ‘isms’ are major reformers and destroyers. These ‘isms’ are causing chaos in the world and tilting the world scales. Every time these ‘isms’ have taken command they have created tremendous value for some and losses for plenty.

The world tested its merits with the first ism being socialism the next ism came upon the stage as capitalism and now consumerism is taking root across world planes.

I will not delve too much into the merits of socialism or capitalism for I am a firm believer in keeping to the pivot like Switzerland. We just needed a combination of the two with a counter weight of shared morality principles to begin with. Yet it’s unfortunate now the fight for domination by the two ‘isms’ in the first place created such disasters in the past 200 years of our history.

Consumerism is one that I simply do not approve. It is a product of social neglect and capitalistic greed multiplied by infinity. It is idiotic in its nature, has no sense of morality at all and it is driven by an insatiable desire for more and more pleasure. Simply speaking its the prostitution of socialism and capitalism on a global scale – combined. The common denominator being sheer greed for more and more without limits.

I would really love to find out how consumerism started and when it went out of hand. Was there a through research and debates on its approach and merits or it simply sprang out of nowhere like a wild weed.
Consumerism has a fundamental flaw in its makeup.
It’s all made up. Lies and deceit are at the core of its construct and nature is abhorred. Consumerism abhors balance and prudence. It drives humans to consume without rationality and proper thought. It compelled us all to be driven by our impulse rather than by our minds or hearts.

If we as a global union can address the ills of consumerism – I feel we will fix 50% of its problems.

God Bless us All.


Reinventing Capitalism

Now the world is thinking about reinventing capitalism for the needs of the 21st century.

Watch the Video